download Man Man - The Man in a Blue Turban With A Face
Debut from 2004 (gotta get my hands on their other two) and a good introduction.
I would compare this band to Tom Waits, Neutral Milk Hotel, AND Gogol Bordello, which is high praise indeed.
1. "Against the Peruvian Monster"+
2. "10lb Moustache"+ (video)
3. "Zebra"*
4. "Sarsparillsa"
5. "White Rice, Brown Heart"*
6. "Gold Teeth"
7. "Magic Blood"
8. "The Fog or China"*
9. "I, Manface"+
10. "Man Who Make You Sick"+
11. "Werewolf (On the Hood of Yer Heartbreak)"
+: good
*: my favorite
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